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Independent medical examinations for estate planning and protection

Dr. Passmore offers medical-legal assessments and opinions regarding cognitive capability.

A capability assessment can be an important part of an individual's estate planning and protection.


 A capability assessment can help clients and their family to:

- Arrange an enduring power of attorney

- Arrange a representation agreement 

- Arrange a last will & testament

- Apply for committeeship

- Properly enter into legal contracts eg. marriage

- Safeguard family finances, investments & property

- Dispute estate management authority

- Dispute legal contract validity eg. marriage

- Dispute estate disposition & inheritance claims

If necessary, Dr. Passmore offers a mobile service for assessments at a client's home or residential care facility. 


Retrospective file review assessments are also possible.

Please contact us for more information including a complimentary case review and fee estimate.  10% of fees donated to charity.

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